Do You Need a Campaign Platform to Run for a Board Position?

While it’s not a strict requirement to have a formal campaign platform to run for a board position in an Illinois condo association, having a clear vision and communicating your goals with other unit owners in your community can significantly enhance your candidacy. Here are several reasons why a campaign platform can be beneficial to the success of your election run.

Why Build a Campaign Platform

If you want a seat on your HOA board of directors, you’re going to need votes. To get those votes, people need to know who you are and what you stand for. This is where building a platform comes in. 

As part of the nomination guidelines for your HOA, you may need to submit a candidate statement. In addition to this, you may also choose to communicate your platform in other ways, such as at a “Meet the Candidate” event or other open forum. Preparing talking points and delivering them convincingly is an important part of preparing for a successful campaign

Here are a few other reasons why a campaign platform is beneficial:

  • It helps you articulate your priorities.
  • It demonstrates transparency and builds trust.
  • It shows your commitment to the community and your level of engagement.
  • It can differentiate you from your competitors. 

Considerations When Developing Your Platform

If you’ve chosen to run for a seat on your HOA’s board, you likely already have some opinions on what the board could be doing differently. These are fine points to articulate, but you also need to listen to the community’s concerns. By understanding the concerns and priorities of homeowners, you can tailor your platform to address these issues. Here are some other tips for refining your platform:

  • Prioritize key issues: Focus on a few key issues that are most relevant to the community. A concise and focused platform is easier for homeowners to understand.
  • Be realistic: Propose solutions that are realistic and feasible. Unrealistic promises can erode trust if not fulfilled.
  • Communicate clearly: Use clear and straightforward language. Your platform should be accessible to all homeowners, regardless of their familiarity with association matters.
  • Seek feedback: Before finalizing your platform, seek feedback from fellow homeowners. This ensures that your ideas resonate with the community.

Lastly, keep in mind that while a campaign platform is beneficial, your overall conduct, communication and dedication to the community are equally important factors that homeowners will consider when voting. Being approachable, responsive and demonstrating a genuine commitment to the community can also contribute significantly to your candidacy.

To learn more about board elections and responsibilities, get in touch with us at First Community Management. 

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