What to Include in Your HOA Candidate Statement

The nomination and election process for condo association board of director positions will vary from HOA to HOA (be sure to read your bylaws and governing documents to learn yours), but several similarities span most communities. One is the need to submit an HOA candidate statement. 

A candidate statement is your opportunity to introduce yourself to the community and share how you plan to address any issues and concerns facing the association. If you’ve decided to run for a seat on your condo association’s board of directors, below are some things to include in your candidate statement.

Tips for Drafting an Effective Candidate Statement

Improve your election success by writing a strong HOA candidate statement. It’s your opportunity to announce your candidacy and is an important component of your board campaign. Be sure to review the nomination guidelines to understand the submission guidelines for getting your name on the election ballot – and don’t miss any deadlines!

Here are a few key things to include in your candidate statement. 

  • Introduce who you are: Begin your candidate statement by briefly introducing yourself. Share a bit of your background both personally and professionally. This can help create connections with your voters.
  • Explain your qualifications: While there are few formal requirements for serving on the board, there are certain qualifications that make some people better candidates than others. Having the ability to work collaboratively is one important skill. Experience working with budgets or other project management skills can also boost your candidacy.
  • Identify your goals: Your statement should also outline your goals for the community. What do you hope to accomplish if elected to the board of directors? Identify some of the specific issues you wish to address and how you intend to do so.
  • Ask for their vote: In closing your statement of candidacy, you might consider asking for their support and vote at the election. 

Once you’ve drafted your statement, be sure to proofread it several times. You don’t want a small typo to come back to haunt you. Your HOA candidate statement is an opportunity to present your authentic self to other unit owners and explain the issues most important to you. It’s an important part of your election campaign.To learn more about board elections and responsibilities, get in touch with us at First Community Management. We partner with condo associations throughout the greater Chicago area with all their association management needs.

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