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Should You Run for a Seat on Your HOA Board?

Serving on your condo association’s board of directors is a big decision. While the position is voluntary, the responsibilities are significant. Before putting your name on the ballot, there are several things to consider. Most important is your enthusiasm to serve your community and actively participate in its decision-making process. 

Here are some other ways to assess if you’re ready to run for a seat on your Chicago condo association’s board of directors.

Your Readiness to Run

One of the biggest factors in deciding whether to join your HOA board is simply your willingness to do it. Being a board member is not always glamorous, and you’ll be faced with tough decisions. It’s not a job for everyone. Seriously consider if you’re up for the commitment. Chicago HOAs have an average of 4-5 board meetings per year.

Your Qualifications

In Illinois, there are not a lot of prerequisites for serving on your board of directors, but there are some. Typically, there are ownership and residency requirements for serving on a Chicago board. You must also be in good standing with the association and not have financial conflicts of interest.

Your Level of Engagement

Board members must be engaged. They must attend board meetings and actively participate in community activities. If you are unable to invest your time and energy into the position, serving on the board may not be right for you.

Your Familiarity with Your Association’s Governing Documents

Your Chicago HOA runs much like its own mini-government. It has its own rules and regulations, which are detailed in your association’s bylaws and governing documents. To effectively serve on your board of directors, you must have a good understanding of Illinois condominium law, your association’s governing documents, community management principles, and other relevant laws.

To learn more about serving on your board and other best practices for board members, get in touch with us at First Community Management. We partner with more than 115 HOAs in the greater Chicago area and are here to help your association.

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