How Many Board Members Does Your Chicago Condo Association Need?

Chicago condo associations are run much like a business and require a board of managers to oversee the needs and interests of the community. The Illinois Condominium Property Act (ICPA) sets forth the overarching laws that all condominium and common interest properties must adhere to; however, individual associations also have their own governing documents that stipulate the details of how their own association can make decisions.

It is in these governing documents that unit owners will also find information related to board requirements for their association.

Minimum Number of Condo Board Members Required in Illinois

The ICPA requires that all Chicago condo boards elect a minimum of three managers to serve on their association board. This must include a president, who leads meetings and membership; a secretary, who manages board minutes; and a treasurer, who tracks the associations’ finances.

In addition to these three positions, the association may also elect additional at-large board members. The specific number of board members should be detailed in your association’s bylaws. Often the number is based on the size of the association or the original wishes of the developer. It is common for Chicago boards to range in numbers from 3-9 members, though some can be much larger.

Term Length for Chicago Condo Board Members

When elected to a seat on your condo association’s board, the ICPA is clear in that the terms of at least one-third of the members of the board shall expire annually and that no member of the board or officer may be elected for a term of more than 2 years. That said, officers and board members may succeed themselves as long as they continue to get voted in.

Understanding the composition of your board is an important part of living in a condo association, as it is the board that makes decisions that impact the entire community.

If you’re considering serving on your condo’s board or are already an elected member, it can be helpful to know how an association management company can improve your experience and positively impact your entire association’s operations. To learn more about how an association management company like ours at First Community Management can help, get in touch with us today.