Conducting Better Board Meetings: Best Practices to Save Time in Your Chicago Condo Association

Time is a premium for all of us, and when you’re serving in a volunteer capacity on your condominium board, you likely feel even more pressure to be efficient with your time. Fellow board members surely share the same sentiment. Fortunately, there are ways to conduct effective and productive board meetings in a timely manner.

Building Better Board Meetings

A well-run board meeting starts with a clear agenda. Here are some areas to focus on as you work to improve the way your Chicago condo association runs its meetings. 

  • Be prepared – Attendees should know what to expect at each board meeting so they come prepared. This makes it easier for everyone to stay on task and move through business quickly. Common agenda items include a discussion of old business, new business, committee reports, financial updates, new action items and an opportunity for owners to ask questions. 
  • Stay on task (and keep watch of the clock) – Conversations can easily veer and meander. Keep everyone on task and institute time limits for agenda items. When time’s up, wrap it up.
  • Welcome input – Though it may feel like you’re opening the door for a prolonged meeting, encouraging everyone to participate and ask questions is an important part of conducting a productive meeting. Often just having one open discussion about a topic can resolve an issue far faster than if multiple side conversations were to occur.
  • Take notes – Your board secretary should maintain accurate notes that are kept on record for at least seven years. Meeting minutes also serve as a historical record of how long meetings lasted. Reviewing them can be a helpful way to identify areas to improve efficiency in future meetings.
  • Know when to wrap it up – To conclude your meeting, offer a concise summary and review any action items. This will leave attendees with a clear understanding of what was discussed and what to expect at the next meeting.

Running productive meetings is part art, part science. Set clear agendas for each meeting and encourage board members to stay on task during their presentations. You can also engage an association management company for help with board meetings and ensuring proper meeting notice has been given. At First Community Management, we attend all board and annual meetings and help prepare and distribute meeting documents, including agendas, management reports and election materials. To learn more about how we can help your Chicago condo association, contact us today. 

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