Close-up of a green door with a silver handle and keyhole

What Can be Discussed During a Chicago Condo Association Closed-Meeting Session

There are six and only six matters that may be lawfully discussed by a Chicago condo association board during a closed session. We’ll discuss what those matters are as well as when and how those issues can be brought to the table.

What to Know About Closed Sessions

Closed-session discussions may be called by the board to address important association matters. No votes can occur during a closed-session meeting, and meeting minutes need not to be shared with the greater community; however, closed meeting minutes must still be kept and maintained by the board. If an issue discussed during a closed session were to require a vote, the vote must take place during an option portion of a board meeting.

During a closed session, board members may discuss sensitive matters without other owners present. The board may vote to go into a closed session anytime during an open board meeting. They may also meet privately (e.g., outside of a noticed meeting) for the same six purposes listed below.

6 Matters That May be Lawfully Addressed in a Closed Session

The following six matters may be discussed during a closed session of the board:

1. Pending or likely litigation by or against the association;

2. The appointment, employment, engagement or dismissal of any employee, independent contractor, agent or other provider of goods and services;

3. Interviewing a potential employee, independent contractor, agent or other provider of goods and services;

4. Violations of the association’s rules and regulations;

5. An owner’s unpaid assessments;

6. Consultation with the association’s legal counsel.

To learn more about the rights and responsibilities of association board members and what to know about closed sessions, you can review this publication put out by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. You can also get in touch with us at First Community Management to ask any of your questions about Chicago condo association management and board member responsibilities.