What Are the Procedures for a Condo Board Member\’s Removal in Illinois?


Not all board members end up fulfilling their roles and responsibilities as they were elected to do. Maybe they just never show up to board meetings or worse, they engage in malicious behavior. If your Chicago condo association finds itself in the position of needing to remove a board member, what can you do about it?

How to Remove a Condo Board Member

If you need to remove a board member, the first place to look is your association\’s bylaws. In Illinois, section 18(a)(4) of the Condominium Property Act (ICPA) states that an association’s ”bylaws shall provide for at least the following:—-(4) the method of removal from office of members of the board.”

Most bylaws require a majority of members to vote in favor of the board member’s removal. 

Removing a condo board member is a process, and your association must follow the rules in its bylaws. An association management company like ours at First Community Management can assist in many aspects of the process including preparing and distributing the meeting notices as well as organizing the meeting documents, agendas, management reports and election materials. To learn more about the full-service condo management services we offer, please contact our team.